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Why should you add a staff list to your school website?

21 January 2022 Katie Sixsmith

Adding a staff list to your school website not only helps parents to see who is teaching their children but can also promote better home-school communication.

The benefits of having a ‘meet the team’ page on your school website 

A staff list or ‘meet the team’ page is a great way to put names to faces and showcase the fantastic staff you have working at your school or trust. 

It also provides benefits to a wide range of stakeholders and visitors.  


Existing parents can use the staff page to identify their child’s teacher (especially if their child has forgotten their name!), familiarise themselves with who they’ll be seeing before a parents’ evening and easily find contact information, should they have any questions or queries.  

Prospective Parents 

Teachers are a big part of a child’s educational experience and successful leadership of a school may well be one of the key things a prospective parent is looking for when choosing their child’s new school. By having your leadership structure and staff transparently laid out on your website, it can reassure prospective parents of who will be teaching their child and who will be in charge. 

Future Employees

Anyone looking for a job with your school or trust will usually be looking through your website to get a feel for your organisation to see if they think they’ll be a good fit. If they can see a clear hierarchy of staff, they can get a glimpse of potential future colleagues, opportunities for progression (if job titles show there are heads of year, or subject leaders) and who would be their future boss.  

What should you include on a staff list page?

A staff page should include your team’s name and job title, but photographs and mini biographies can really add the perfect finishing touches. 

If you have staff who are photo-shy, then why not get your students to draw each of the teachers and upload these in place of a photo – it not only adds an element of creativity but can be an enjoyable exercise for the children too.  

If you have a large number of staff in your school, you may wish to group employees by categories e.g. senior leadership or year groups, to make it easier for users to view.  

Some schools may not wish to add all of their staff to a website page, but as a minimum we recommend including your senior leadership team. You may also wish for them to have images and then the rest of the staff to be names and job titles only – that's perfectly fine too! 

How do I set up a staff page?  

At e4education, we have introduced a default staff page for our school websites. 

The default template includes a photo, name and job title with the option for mini biographies if required. The staff can be categorised into groups and organised as you please, with easy update functionality included – so that you can rearrange, move, delete or add staff members as and when required. 

We also offer bespoke options that can be custom designed exclusively for your school or trust.

If you are an existing customer and would like to find out more, please give your account manager a call on 0333 344 9984. 
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